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Reconciliation Errors

Location Group not mapped to a Reconciliation Group

Note: Need to ensure that all of the Location Group Codes previewed in the query exist in the Reconciliation Group Filters table, otherwise they will need to be added.

In the above example there are movements to the PitA_0281 Location Group Code, however there is no record in the Reconciliation Group Filters mapping this location group code to the PitA reconciliation group in the example below.

Note: When there are movements to a location group that has not been mapped to a reconciliation group the following error will occur when the actual data is being loaded.

The following Exception notification was created because there were movements to a location group which had not been mapped to a reconciliation group.

To resolve this issue a reconciliation group filter needs to be created mapping location group PitA_0281 to reconciliation group PitA.

After the mapping record has been created the exception notification will need to be actioned by selecting the Action button.

Note: The Exception notification will be recreated if the mapping has not been created.